Roman History Timeline – The 7th Century BC
This text covers developments in Italy and nearby regions during the 7th century BC. It highlights the continued growth of Greek colonies in Southern Italy and Sicily, Phoenician settlements along the coasts, the rise and fall of local rulers in places like Kroton, and the evolving political landscape in Rome. Volcanic eruptions, the foundation of new cities, and the spread of written language also figure prominently in this era, marking a vibrant period of cultural exchange and expansion.
I. 7th Century BC (General)
- (c.) Kleinias flourishes as ruler of Kroton (Calabria).
- Elymian Ware produced in northwestern Sicily (to 6th century BC). Despite its name, its connection to the Elymians is uncertain.
- Motcya (modern Modica) is founded by the Sikels in Sicily.
II. (c. 700 BC)
- 20th Olympiad takes place in Greece.
- (c.) Illyrians cross the Adriatic and settle at Arpi, a Daunian town in Apulia, later mixing with the local Oscan population.
- (c.) Palaeopolis (precursor to Neapolis, modern Naples) is founded as a daughter-colony by Greeks from Kyme (Latin: Cumae).
- (c.) Kaulonia founded as a daughter-colony by Greeks from Kroton.
- (c.) Tempsa (Temesa) founded by Kroton.
- (c.) Terina founded by Kroton.
- (c.) Laos founded by Sybaris.
- (c.) Poseidonia (Paestum) founded by Achaean Greeks from Sybaris (alt. date 650 BC).
- (c.) Metaponton (Metapontum, modern Metaponto) founded by Greeks from Achaea (some sources date as early as c. 775 BC).
- (c.) Pandosia founded by Greeks from Achaea and Elis (some sources date as early as c. 775 BC).
- (c.) Seismic and volcanic activity on Ischia leads to abandonment of the colony at Pithekoussai.
- (c.) Helorus founded as a daughter-colony of Syracuse.
- (c.) Phoenicians found Motya (modern Isola San Pantaleo, TP) on the west coast of Sicily (or as early as 800 BC).
- (c.) Ziz (Panormus, modern Palermo) in northwestern Sicily colonized by Phoenicians (alternative date 536 BC).
- (c.) Cylonas flourishes as ruler of Kroton.
- (c.) Greek merchants begin settling at Pompeii (Campania).
III. 696 – 688 BC
- 696 BC: 21st Olympiad.
- 695 BC (c.): Mt. Etna erupts.
- 688 BC: 23rd Olympiad (boxing is added to the Olympic Games).
- (c.) Gela colonized by Dorian Greeks from Rhodes, Telos, and Crete (alt. dates 690 or 689 BC). A legend attributes Gela’s earlier founding to the Rhodian Antiphemos soon after the Trojan War.
IV. 684 – 680 BC
- 684 BC: 24th Olympiad.
- 680 BC: 25th Olympiad.
- (c.) Siris is founded as a daughter-colony of Kaulonia (between 680 and 650 BC).
- Gela adopts a democratic government, lasting until 505 BC.
V. 676 – 670 BC
- 676 BC: 26th Olympiad.
- 675 BC:
- An oligarchic government is established in Kroton, surviving until 510 BC.
- Earliest examples of written Latin appear.
- 673 BC: Tullus Hostilius becomes the third king of Rome.
- 672 BC: 27th Olympiad.
- Daippos of Kroton is the boxing victor, the first known Olympic champion from Magna Graecia or Sicily.
- (c. 670 BC):
- Locri Epizephyrii is founded by Dorian Greeks from eastern (Opuntian) and western (Ozolian) Locri (alt. dates 710, 679, or 673 BC).
- Zaleucus creates a written law code for Locri, considered the earliest known constitution in the West.
VI. 668 – 660 BC
- 668 BC: 28th Olympiad.
- 664 BC: 29th Olympiad.
- Akrai founded by colonists from Syracuse (alt. date 662 BC).
- 663 BC: Henna (Enna) founded in central Sicily as a daughter-colony of Syracuse (alt. date 664 BC).
- 660 BC: 30th Olympiad.
VII. 657 – 650 BC
- 657 BC (c.): Large numbers of Phoenicians immigrate to Carthage; some move on to other Phoenician colonies in Sicily.
- 656 BC: 31st Olympiad.
- 652 BC: 32nd Olympiad.
- 650 BC:
- Siris is founded by Greeks from Colophon (on the site of an earlier Italic settlement).
- Poseidonia (Paestum) is founded by Dorian Greeks from Sybaris (alt. date 700 BC).
- Himera is founded on Sicily’s north coast by colonists from Zankle and Mylai (alt. date 648 BC).
- Etruscans begin colonizing northern Campania.
VIII. 648 – 640 BC
- 648 BC: 33rd Olympiad.
- Lygdamis of Syracuse is victorious in the Pankration; Myron of Syracuse wins the Tethrippon (four-horse chariot race).
- 644 BC: 34th Olympiad.
- 643 BC: Colonists from Syracuse found Kasmenai (Comisa).
- 641 BC: King Tullus Hostilius dies.
- 640 BC: 35th Olympiad.
- Ancus Marcius becomes the fourth king of Rome.
IX. 636 – 624 BC
- 636 BC: 36th Olympiad.
- 632 BC: 37th Olympiad.
- 630 BC (c.):
- Selinus (Selinunte) (modern Mazara del Vallo) colonized by Greeks from Megara Hyblaea (alt. date 628 BC).
- 628 BC: 38th Olympiad.
- 625 BC (c.):
- Hipponion (Vibo Valentia) is founded by Dorian Greeks from Locri Epizephyrii (between c. 625 and c. 600 BC).
- An Ekklesiasterion (meeting hall) is built at Metapontum on the site of an earlier wooden structure.
- 624 BC: 39th Olympiad.
X. 620 – 612 BC
- 620 BC: 40th Olympiad.
- 616 BC: 41st Olympiad. Ancus Marcius dies; Lucius Tarquinius Priscus becomes the fifth king of Rome.
- 612 BC: 42nd Olympiad.
XI. 608 – 604 BC
- 608 BC: 43rd Olympiad.
- 604 BC: 44th Olympiad.